Напишите пожалуйста маленький рассказ на английском языке про то как я порезал палец


Ответ дал: Tulip1991
Yesterday I had an accident.<br />Let's I start from the beginning . I was cooking when my mother came home .I cut the vegetables to add them in a soup . The knife was very sharp. Because my mother told my father to sharpen it . She wanted me to go to the supermarket. So I was in a fuss and accidentally cut my finger . That was an awful situation . There was lots of blood everywhere because I couldn't find our first aid kit . My mother was very scared . Finally we found our first aid kit and bandaged my finger on my right hand. It was very unpleasant . But I could not write at the lessons several days .
Ответ дал: 77SaLaVaT77
Last week I have an accident-I have cut my finger. It was early morning, when I got ready for school. I made toast with sausage. But sausage was slippery and a sharp knife slided off the sausage and hitted my finger (large, on my right hand). It was very hurt. Now I can't write for another week. 
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