Помогите с упражнением по английскому пожалуйста:)



Ответ дал: iashahova
Это же очень просто! Для образования отрицательных предложений нужна частица not. Её ставим после глаголов have, has, had.

Tokada1: Сделай пожалуйста) я просто очень спешу(
iashahova: Прости,у самой времени нехватает
Ответ дал: nazeninmamedzade
1. I often have to go to the library.
I haven't go to the library often.
Have i go to the library often.

2. She has to stay in bed.
She has not stay in bed.
Has she stay in bed?

3. I've got to speak to you.
I haven't got to speak to you.
Have i got to speak to you?

4. He's got to see a lot of people today.
He hasn't got to see a lot of people today.
Has he got a lot of people to see today?

5. He had to go for the book at once.
He hadn't to go for the book at once.
Had he go for the book at once?

6. She had to go bed late last night.
She hadn't to go bed late last night.
Had she go to bed late last night?
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