Очень срочно Помогите пожалуйста
Write answers to these questions
1)What can we write with?
2)What can we paind with?
3)Where can we find English world that we don't know?
4)Where do we write our home exercises?
5)What do we write on the blackboard with?
6)Where do you keep your pens and pencils?
7)What do you like more:schoolbags or backpacks?


Ответ дал: Ripsidus

1) We can write with pens and pencils.
2) We can paint with a brush.
3) We can find English words that we don't know in a dictionary.
4) We write our home exercises at home.
5) We write on the blackboard with a piece of chalk.
6) I keep my pens and pencils in a pencil-case.
7) I like backpacks more than schoolbags.

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