Correct the mistakes/ 1/ I`ve lived in this street since six years/ 2/ Did Simon tidy his room yet?/ 3/ Clare has bought a new T-shirt yesterday/ 4/ Jenny has the same schoolbag for three years/ 5/ Jamie was in the football team since 2003/ 6/ I know Peter for two months/


Ответ дал: Аноним
1)In this street for six years.
2) have Simon tidied his room yet?
3) Clare bought.
4) had
5) не was, a is.
6) все правильно.
Ответ дал: redivider

1) this street for six years

2) Has Simon tidied his..

3) Clare bought a new...

4) Jenny has had the same...
5) Jamie has been in the football...


6) I have known Peter...


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