Поставьте пожалуйста глаголы в нужной форме)
1. I (live) in Lipetsk, which (be) my native town. 2. He (work) in this factory? 3. How many languages you (speak)? 4. My brother (know) everything about cars. 5. She (not use) make-up very often. 6. I (play) the guitar, but I (not play) it well. 7. How much coffee you (drink) a day? 8. The Sun (set) in the West. 9. She often (go) to work by tram? 10. He (study) at our Academy? 11. You often (visit) your granny? 12. We usually (not spend) much time for lunch. 13. They (meet) every day. 14. How she usually (celebrate) her birthday? 15. Who (teach) you English in the Academy?


Ответ дал: Eozvar
1.live 2.works 3. Speak 4. knows 5. Doesn't use 6. play, don't play 7. drink 8. sets 9. goes 10. studies 11. visit 12. don't spend 13.meet 14 celebrates 15. teached

adkotova98: спасибо большое)
adkotova98: в первом предложение be как изменится?
Eozvar: Was . Я конечно поздно ответил(
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