Плииииииз...!!! 2. Complete the email with the present continuous form of these verbs.
( go / not work / wear / get up / write / use / work / play
Hi Mum and Dad,
Here i am in Guatemala. It's great! I'm having a wonderful time. Every day we (1) ... early, about six o'clock. We (2) ... to work by bus. I (3) ... today because it's a fiesta. I (4) ... some emails - this one to you and another one to Joe. I (5) ... my boss's computer.
I'm tired. Every day we (6) ... for eight or ten hours. In the evenings we (7) ... board games. It's fun! Oh, thanks for the trainers. I (8) ... them now. They're great!


Ответ дал: 29082001максим
Hi Mum and Dad,
Here i am in Guatemala. It's great! I'm having a wonderful time. Every day we get up early, about six o'clock. We are going to work by bus. I am not working  today because it's a fiesta. I am writing some emails - this one to you and another one to Joe. I am using my boss's computer.
I'm tired. Every day we work for eight or ten hours. In the evenings we play board games. It's fun! Oh, thanks for the trainers. I am wearing them now. They're great!
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