First or Second Conditional ? Complete the sentenses with the correct forms of the verbc in brackets.
1) Life (be) easier if everyboody (speak) English
2) I (make) boxing illegal if (be) President 3) If my headache (not get) better soon, I (take) an aspirin 4) It's a pity our team hasn't got any money - if we (buy) a new goalkeeper, the team (be) much stronger. 5) I (go) cycling with you this weekend if my brother (lend) me his bike. 60 You (be) ill if you (tat) all that chocolate cake! 7) I (go) skiing if l (live) nearer the mountains.


Ответ дал: nunny
1) Life (would be) easier if everyboody (speak) English.
2) I (would make) boxing illegal if I (be) President.
3) If my headache (does not get) better soon, I (will take) an aspirin.
4) It's a pity our team hasn't got any money - if we (bought) a new goalkeeper, the team (would be) much stronger.
5) I (will go) cycling with you this weekend if my brother (lends) me his bike.
5) I (would go) cycling with you this weekend if my brother (lent) me his bike.
6) You (will be) ill if you (eat) all that chocolate cake!
7) I (would go) skiing if l (lived) nearer to the mountains.
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