Помогите пожалуйста.
Нужно составить 13 предложений на английском.
1 Past simple Passive Voice.
2 future simple Passive Voice
2 present continuous Passive Voice
2 present simple Active Voice
2 Past simple Active Voice
2 future simple Active Voice
2 present continuous Active Voice
Заранее спасибо.


Ответ дал: Pollinakras
1.The vase was broken. 2.The magazine will be published soon. 3.My phone will be repaired in a week. 4.My hair is being cut. 5.Dishes are being washed. 6.I go to school. 7.She plays volleyball. 8.I went to the cinema yesterday. 9.He was in Spain in May. 10.I will go to Japan. 11.She will open the window. 12.We aren't doing our homework at the moment. 13.They are eating pasta now.

всегдаспрашива5: Спасибо
Ответ дал: Racer0825
1) My mobile phone was bought 2 years ago
2) My homework will be done next hour
3) The car will be cleaned tomorrow
4) The carpet is being cleaned now
5) D
ishes is being washed at the moment
6) I usually get up at 7 o'clock
7) She walks her dog every day
8) He went to the cinema last week
9) We swam in the river 2 hours ago
10) They will go to the swimming pool tomorrow
11) We will go to school next year
12) I am watching TV now
13) She is reading at the moment

всегдаспрашива5: Спасибо
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