Complete the sentences with the correct variant of the main verb
1. Usually I ____________ the violin but now I ____________ the piano.

A. play, am playing

B. am playing, play

2. He _________ in the garden when Tom __________.

A. sat, was coming

B. was sitting, came

3. ________ you _______ the article yet?

A. Haven’t, read

B. Haven’t, being reading

4. I ______ a message from Kelly last Saturday.

A. have got

B. got

5. The book wasn’t so heavy as he ________ .

A. has thought

B. had thought

6. my mother wasn’t at the shop when I ____________ .

A. had come

B. came

7. Some smiling men _______ the piano.

A. were playing

B. had played

8. We _______ for about an hour when it started to rain.

A. were playing

B. had been playing

9. For long months she _______ his secret.

A. had been keeping

B. had kept

10. If we _____ the 10.30 train, we _____ too early.

A. catch, shall arrive

B. shall catch, arrive

11. We _____a party. ______ you _____?

A. shall have, Are...coming

B. are having, Will ... come

12. Do you know when they ____?

A. would come

B. will come

13. By the time we come they ________.

A. will be going

B. will have gone

14. They _______ for you at 7 p.m. tomorrow.

A. will have waited

B. will be waiting

C. will have been waiting

15. James said that he ______ a horse before.

A. never rode

B. had never ridden


Ответ дал: Pollinakras
1.A 2.B 3.A 4.B 5.B 6.B 7.A 8.B 9.B 10.A 11.B 12.B 13.B 14.B 15.B
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