И последнее фото, кто сделает буду очень благодарна



Ответ дал: Alamina

Is he eating salad? Yes, he is 2 Does he eat salad? Yes, he does 3 Are they doing their homework at the moment? Yes they are. 4 Do they do their homework after school? Yes, they do 5Is she working on the computer? Yes, she is 6 Is she cooking meat? Yes, she is 7

Does she cook meat ? Yes she does

10 Did she has a good time? Yes , she did 11 Wiil she has five lessons tomorrow? Yes, she will , в задании сказано дать краткий ответ , употребление времён подсказано в скобках, если с инговым окончанием то present cont. и нет то действие происходит обычно present simple в последних предложениях в прошедшеи и в буд. вродебытак Предлагаю такое решение

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