помогите с английским плиз, 10 предложений с инфинитивом и 10 предложений с герундием (не из инета, пожалуйста)​


Ответ дал: veronikaalejandrovna

Ответ:He misses playing with his friends

He went on learning computer technologies

We usually do shopping for food

in the market.

Grandma and Grandpa are coming tomorrow.

I do the cleaning and vacuuming

Tom was responsible for mowing the lawn

They were responsible for cleaning their rooms

He enjoys reading books

Could you mind giving me this book?

She remembered visiting her parents.

Это герунд.

Can you mop up the floor?

Don't forget to help your friend.

I agreed with him.

She doesn't expect that.

Did you planned everything?

I manage this project now.

I don't want you to help me.

I hope he will be back soon

He learned the lesson.

He offered to build the house

Lololokarol: всё не правильно и вперемешку
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