1. Choose the correct tag question. 1.1 It's cold today, ? 1.2 Nobody has arrived yet, ? 1.3 I'm not late, ? 1.4 He will come to work, ? 1.5 You haven't seen this movie, ? 1.6 It won't be difficult, ?
2. Choose the correct tag question with modal verbs. 2.1 They shouldn't smoke, ? 2.2 Kate and Mary can't swim, ? 2.3 John must stay, ? 2.4 You should apologize for what you have done, ? 2.5 She can't speak Arabic, ?


Ответ дал: Juliyasha11
1.1 isn't it
1.2 have they
1.3 am I
1.4 won't he
1.5 have you
1.6 will it
2.1 should they
2.2 can they
2.3 mustn't he
2.4 shouldn't you
2.5 can she
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