Перепишите и переведите предложения, поставив глагол в нужную форму. 1) We knew that the 2 o’clock train (to leave - Past Perfect Active) already and decided to go by bus.
2) The installation of loudspeakers at stations (to be - Present Per-fect Active) of great value for public.
3) Containerization (to change - Present Perfect Active) completely the methods of handling and storing.
4) Thanks to the radio the danger of train collisions (to decrease - Present Perfect Passive) greatly.
5) It is expected that by the end of the year the production of the new passenger cars (to initiate - Future Perfect Passive).


Ответ дал: ksyushkamelesh
1 had left
2 has been 
3 has changed
4 has been decreased
5will have been initiated
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