174.Задайте общие вопросы и дайте краткий ответ.
1.-____ his sister like to dance?
- No,_________
2.- _______ his friends want to ski?
- Yes,_________
3._______ her Granny work? - No,_______
4.- ________ her aunt got
a son?
- Yes,__________
5. _____ his sons at home?- No,_________
6.----'---you got a brother ?-_________
7._____you an engineer ?-_________\
8.______you a pupil?-__
9.______you play the guitar? - ________
10._____you like to roller-skate?-__________


Ответ дал: soniaserduck

1.his youngest sister like to dance?

no his sister likes to dance

2.his best friends want to ski? Yes, his friends want to ski.

3.his dear Granny work? - No,his Grannys dont work.

4.at his aunt got a son? Yes, at his aunt got a son.

5.native his sons at home? No, his sons at home.

6.You have got a brother? Yes , I have brother.

7.you worked an engineer ? No, I don't worked an engineer.

8.You school pupil? Yes, I school pupil.

9.Do you play the guitar? -No, I don't play the guitar.

10.Do you like to roller-skate? Yes , me like to roller-skate!

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