Преобразуйте если необходимо слова которые заглавными буквами , обозначте номерами В1 - В5 так что бы они грамматически соответствовали содержанию текстов В1 My mother usually say that I am a good TO READ . В2 My favorite juice is from cherry but my Granny likes APPLE juice. В3 In Britain traditions play a more ImPORTANCE role in the life of people than in other countries. В4 The LARGE country in the wirld is Russia. В5 African elephants are TO WONDER animals.


Ответ дал: alex1997cool

В1 My mother usually say that I am a good reader.

В2 My favorite juice is from cherry but my Granny likes apple juice.

В3 In Britain traditions play a more important role in the life of people than in other countries.

В4 The largest country in the wirld is Russia.

В5 African elephants are wonderful animals.

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