Помогите, пожалуйста, с заданием по английскому.

V or V-ing? Choose the correct form of the verb.

11. Can you smell something (burn/burning)?

12. If you found a lot of money (lie/lying) in the street, would you take it to the police station?

13. We watched the two men (run/running) across the garden, (open/opening) a window and (climb/climbing) through it into the house.

14. Everybody heard the bomb (explode/exploding). It was a tremendous noise.

15. Oh! I can feel something (crawl/crawling) up my leg! It must be an insect.

16. I heard somebody (slam/slamming) the door in the middle of the night. It woke me up.

17. We saw the robber (walk/walking) quickly along the street.

18. I saw her (walk/walking) across the room and (take/ taking) a gun out of the desk drawer.

19. When we got home, we found a cat (sleep/sleeping) on the kitchen table.

20. I could hear it (rain/raining).


Ответ дал: khumoyun817
11.burning12.lying13.running opining and climbing14.explode15crawling16.slam17walking18.walking and taking19.sleeping20raining
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