Заполните пробелы глаголами в форме прошедшего времени.

1. Mammoths (be) ____ big animals like elephants.

2. Mammoths (not live) ____ 100 years ago.

3. Mammoths (live) ____ a long time ago.

4. Some dinosaurs (fly) ____ in the air and some (swim) ____ in the sea.

5. Mammoths (not eat) ____ meat. They (eat) ____ grass.

6. They (have) ____ two large tusks about three metres long.

7. He (drink) ____ some milk. He (not drink) ____ any water.

8. She only (spend) ____ 1 pound. She (not spend) ____ 3 pounds.

9. I (see) ____ some elephants. I (not see) ____ any lions.

10. They (swim) ____ in the sea, but (not swim) ____ in the lake.


Ответ дал: HellishHelen

1. Mammoths WERE big animals like elephants.

2. Mammoths DIDN'T LIVE 100 years ago.

3. Mammoths LIVED a long time ago.

4. Some dinosaurs FLEW in the air and some SWAM in the sea.

5. Mammoths DIDN'T EAT meat. They ATE grass.

6. They HAD two large tusks about three metres long.

7. He DRANK some milk. He DIDN'T DRINK any water.

8. She only (spend) ____ 1 pound. She (not spend) ____ 3 pounds.

9. I (see) ____ some elephants. I (not see) ____ any lions.

10. They (swim) ____ in the sea, but (not swim) ____ in the lake.

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