Заповніть пропуски, використовуючи наведені слова:
illness, curing, tests, positive, antidepressant, headaches, drug

It has long been understood that suggestion can be very powerful in both (1)...and causing (2)____, but historically the emphasis has been on the (3)_...side. The negative side is called a nocebo. It shows up regularly in (4)...in which one group is given a real (5)_____and another a fake drug as a control. For example, in one study of the (6)_...Prozac, 15 percent of the subjects claimed to have gotten (7)_...even though it turned out they were receiving a placebo.


Ответ дал: Juliyasha11
1 curing
2 illness
3 positive
5 drug
7 headaches
Ответ дал: Milashka2017

1) curing
2) illness
3) positive
4) ...
5) drug
6) antidepressant
7) headaches.
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