Complete the text with the correct word.

An unusual family

1. (An/A/-)Indian man called Ziona, who lives in the state of 2.(-/a/the)Mizoram, is 3(the/a/-) father of 94 children. He also has 39 wives and over thirty grandchildren. It is believed to be 4(a/the/-)biggest family in the world. They all live together in 5(a/the/-)brightly-coloured house which has over a hundred rooms.


Ответ дал: goomyyy


An Indian man called Ziona, who lives in the state of Mizoram, is the father of 94 children. He also has 39 wives and over thirty grandchildren. It is believed to be the biggest family in the world. They all live together in a brightly-coloured house which has over a hundred rooms.

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