вика 12111111111,помоги


АнНаЛеДі: Та я от один вопрос викладивала ч все 1,3,4 зделала Вик помоги 5
АнНаЛеДі: Точнее 2
Вика12111111111: давай
Вика12111111111: По какому языку.
АнНаЛеДі: Там у меня вопрос есть заглянь
АнНаЛеДі: Англиский
Вика12111111111: минуту
АнНаЛеДі: Чтото наша Аня по английском в низ поєхала
АнНаЛеДі: Ище учитель по ДПА 12 поставела!
Вика12111111111: ясно..


Ответ дал: Ikusya
 Max is not here. He is washing his car. He washes it every weekend. He will not play the piano tomarrow. We saw a very good film last Sanday. Does your mother cook every day? We made a fire last summer. I spent last summer at the seaside. Where did you spend last summer?  Where will he spend next summer? What is your mother doing now?- She is cooking dinner.

Ikusya: I went to the cinema yesterday. I was going to the cinema at four o'clock yesterday. I was going to the cinema when you met me. I was doing my home­work the whole evening yesterday. I was doing my homework when mother came home. I did my homework yesterday. I was doing my homework from five till eight yesterday. I was doing my homework at six o'clock yesterday.
Ikusya: Where were you yesterday? — I was at home the whole day. — How strange. I rang you up at two o'clock, but nobody answered. — Oh, I was in the garden. I was reading your book and did not hear the telephone. What were you doing at five o'clock yes­terday? — I was working in the library. — I was there, too, but I did not see you.
Ikusya: I have not eaten yet today. He did not eat yesterday. Did you play the piano yesterday? Have you play the piano today? What have you prepared for today? Look at this birdhouse. Mike has made it himself. He made it last Sunday. Where have you put my pen? I cannot find it. Have you seen Mary today? When did you see Mary? — I saw her last week.
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