ДАМ 30 балов! Нужна помощь.... Помогите пожалуйста!!!
Нужно составить маленький рассказ по вопросам.
1) Do you like travelling? With whom do you usually travel? Do you always go far from the place where you live? Are your trips long or short?
2) Do you bring souvenirs to your family and friends from your trips? What souvenirs do you like to buy?
3) Where would you like to go - to the north or to the south of Russia?
4) Do you always travel in summer? Do you sometimes travel in winter? Where do you go in winter?
5) What places would you like to visit in our country and abroad?
Заранее огромное СПАСИБО!


Ответ дал: AripovZ
I don't know the man who doesn't like traveling. I usually travel with my friends or may parents. If I travel with my friends I don't go far from my place. I usually go to the trip for a day or two. I go to a long trips with my family. I don't like to do shopping and never buy souvenirs. I like to travel in any time of the year. In winter I like to go to the mountains. But I must say mountains are good in any season.I prefer going to the south of our country because I don't like cold. In our country I'd like to visit Moscow and St Petersburg. If I had much money I would travel to London , Paris or New York.
Travelling is a good way to spend time.
I'm fond of traveling.

lgcgefxv: Спасибо, БОЛЬШОЕ!
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