Раскройте скобки употребляя глаголы в present simple или present continuous
1.We (to have) a good time now.2)What...you (tu think) about?3) I (to think) I"m late.4)You (to have) a nice dress today.5) I (not to agree)with you.6)She (not to remember)his telepgone number.7)What...you(to do)?-...you (not to see)?8)Every day Tom (to ride) his bicycle.9)It (to rain) heavily now.10)Where is Mike?-He (to watch)TV in his room.11)Who...you(to wait)for.12)...you (to like)orange juice?13)Pamela(not to drive) a car.14)Uncle Robert(to like) a little job.15)What...you(to do) next Monday?.16)What time...you(to get) up?.17)At the moment Chris(to study) at university.18)John (to speek)four languages.19)We usually (to live) in Chicago?but this yers we (to live) in London.20)Jane usually (to wear) jeans and a T-shirt to school.


Ответ дал: answertime
1 we are having
2 what are you thinking
3 i think
4 you are having
5 i don't agree
6 doesn't remember
7 what are you doing -  don't you see
8 tom rides
9 it is raining 
10 he is watching 
11 who are you waiting for
12 do you like
13 pamela doesn't drive
15 what are you doing
16 what time do you get
17 is studing
18 speeks
19 live live
20 wears
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