Заполните предложения с помощью изобретенной фразы.
1. If I were a boy,
2. If I had a million euros,
3. If I were you,
4. If I could chhose anywhere in the planet to go,
5. If you found a wallet plenty of money in the street,
6. If I had more free time,
7. If it was summer,
8. If I had a cat as a pet,
9. If I travelled to the USA,
10. If my friends were famous celebrities,


Ответ дал: Juliyasha11

1. If I were a boy, I would be brave.
2. If I had a million euros,I would help poor people.
3. If I were you,I would apologize.
4. If I could choose anywhere in the planet to go,I would visit Antarctiса.
5. If you found a wallet plenty of money in the street,I would give it to a homeless person.
6. If I had more free time,I would learn Chinese.
7. If it was summer,I would swim in the river.
8. If I had a cat as a pet,I would feed it every day.
9. If I travelled to the USA,I would visit New York.
10. If my friends were famous celebrities,I would be glad.
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