Помогите пожалуйста .
Преобразовать в пассивный залог .
5) I visit my sister in hospital.
Найти верный вариант .
6) I have read this book. Please give me another...
a)one b)ones
7)There books are more interesting tham those ...
a)one b)ones
8)... is a place where people who are ill are looked after by doctor and nurses.
a)a hospital b)a chemist c)a pharmacy
9) ... is a person who has a shop where medicines are sold.
a)a hospital b) a chemist c)a pharmacy
10) ... is a shop where medicines are sold.
a)a hospital b)a chemist c)a pharmacy
Прочти предложения 1-6 . Выбери правильную форму глагола под буквами а) b) c)
1) My elder brother ... computer very often.
a) use b)uses c) is using
2) The mother ... dinner at the moment .
a)cook b)cooks c)is cooking
3) Elizabeth's parents ... abroad a week ago .
a)go b)went c)are going
4) I hope in 10 years each family in our country ... a computer .
a)will have b)has c)had
5) ... you ever ... part in any competition?
a) Did ... take b) Will ... take c) Have ... taken
6) English ... in many countries of the world .
a) is spoken b) spoken c)speaks


Ответ дал: Mrolenka
5) My sister is visited in hospital by me.
6) a
7) b
8) a
9) b
10) c

1) b
2) c
3) b
4) a
5) c
6) a
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