Complete the sentences using the correct form of the verbs.
1. I_______(see) the twins in town last week.
2.______(you/ever/meet) her brother?
3.Where_______(you/be) last weekend?
4._____(you/see) Kathleen?
5.We_____(not/go) on holiday last year.
6.I love clothes. I______(buy) a lot thins year.
7.What_____(you/do) last weekend?
8.Dad_______(repair) the car, you can use it now.
9.Agatha Christie_____(live) from 1890 to 1976.
10.Granny still_____(not/find) her glasses.
11.Where________(you/buy) your laptop?
12.Oh! You_______(paint) the kitchen, I like the colour.
13.What time_______(you/get) home last night?
14.Emma! Your letter______(arrive) at last!
15.The weather______(be) good all week.
16.I_______(finish) work early yesterday.
17.Sue's not here,she_______(go) out.
18.The weather________(not/be) very good last week.
19.We_______(be) to the cinema twice this month.
20.Brian_________(live) in England until the age of 14.


Ответ дал: galina572319


1. I saw the twins in town last week.

2. Have you ever met her brother?

3. Where were you last weekend?

4. Have you seen Katherine?

5. We did not go on holiday last year.

6. I love clothes. I have bought a lot this year.

7. What did you do last weekend?

8. Dad has repaired the car, you can use it now.

9. Agatha Christie lived from 1890 to 1976.

10. Granny still haven't found her glasses.

11. Where did you buy your laptop?

12. Oh! You have painted the kitchen, I like the colour.

13. What time did you get home last night?

14. Emma! Your letter has arrived at last!

15. The weather has been good all week.

16. I finished work early yesterday.

17. Sue's not here, she has gone out.

18. The weather wasn't very good last week.

19. We have been to the cinema twice this month.

20. Brian lived in England until the age of 14.

1. Я видел близнецов в городе на прошлой неделе.

2. Вы когда-нибудь встречались с ее братом?

3. Где вы были в прошлые выходные?

4. Вы видели Кэтрин?

5. В прошлом году мы не ездили в отпуск.

6. Я люблю одежду. В этом году я купил очень много.

7. Что вы делали в прошлые выходные?

8. Папа починил машину, теперь ты можешь ею пользоваться.

9. Агата Кристи жила с 1890 по 1976 год.

10. Бабушка до сих пор не нашла свои очки.

11. Где вы купили свой ноутбук?

12. О! Вы покрасили кухню, мне нравится цвет.

13. Во сколько вы вернулись домой вчера вечером?

14. Эмма! Наконец - то пришло твое письмо!

15. Всю неделю стояла хорошая погода.

16. Вчера я рано закончил работу.

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