Помогите пожалуйста очень срочно. Только нужно всё сделать в отрицательной форме, то есть НЕ играл. Ну и вставить weren't. Пожалуйста я надеюся я понятно объяснила. Срочно! Зарание спасибо!



Ответ дал: parljukljuba
1 Jack wasn't playing volleyball, Jack was playing volleyball
2 The friends weren't reading magazine, they were reading magazine
3 Uncle Jerry wasn't driving a van, he was driving a van
4 Lucy and Rose weren't feeding their budgies, they were feeding their budgies
5 Mrs Johnson wasn't cooking vegetables, she was cooking vegetables
6 The pupils weren't singing English songs, they were singing English songs
7 The tourists weren't doing the History Museum, they were doing the History Museum
8 Swift wasn't buying some souvenirs, he was buying some souvenirs
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