
1​ 1 Choose the correct answers.

2​ We mustn’t / don’t have to give in this assignment until next Friday. That’s good news!
3​ We must / have to meet up sometime for a coffee and a chat.
4​ Simon needn’t / shouldn’t work so hard. He’ll make himself ill.
5​ Do you think we have to / ought to check with your dad before using his tools?
6​ I really don’t have to / mustn’t eat so much salt. It’s very bad for me.
7​ You oughtn’t to / needn’t worry about me. I’m getting a lift home with Freddie.
8​ You mustn’t / shouldn’t park there! It’s the boss’s space and he’ll be furious.
9​ I need to get / get some money out of the bank later today.

2 Complete the sentences with must, can’t or might and the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

1 He __________________ (be) a vegetarian. I’ve never seen him eat meat.
2 Dan __________________ (be) back before lunchtime but I wouldn’t bet on it!
3 She __________________ (be) exhausted! She’s just slept for more than twelve hours.
4 You __________________ (see) this film before. It was only released yesterday.
5 I __________________ (leave) the keys on the table. Can you check for me?
6 Helen __________________ (like) your cooking. Look, she’s left most of the meal.
7 You __________________ (joke)! I can’t come out now – I’m in bed!


Ответ дал: Juliyasha11
2 don't have to
3 must
4 shouldn't
5 ought to
6 mustn't
8 mustn't
9 to get

1 must be
2might be
3 can't be
4 can't have seen5 might have left
6 can't like
7 must be joking

Late123: gjvju
Late123: помогите мне еще здесь пожалуйста
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