5. Ask all types of questions:
1) Secondary schools are usually much larger than primary schools.

2) In 1965 the Labor Government introduced the policy of comprehensive education.

3) A lot of people thought that this system of selection at the age of 11 was unfair
on many children.

4) There are a few LEAs who still keep the old system of grammar schools.

5) Comprehensive schools want to develop the talents of each individual child.

6) All pupils move to the next class automatically at the еend of the year.


Ответ дал: ag800
1) Which schools are usually much larger than primary schools?
When did the Labor Government introduced the policy of comprehensive education?
3) What a lot of people thought abo
ut system of selection at the age of 11? 
4) Who still keeps the old system of grammar schools?
5) What Comprehensive schools want to do?
6) Who will  move to the next class automatically at the еend of the year?
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