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Do you agree that air pollution is a cause of people's health problems?
Why do so many species of animals and plants die out for ever?
What pollutes and poisons the air?


Ответ дал: Nazzzua
I agree, because pollution in air harms human's health.
Many species of animals and plans die out for ever because poachers and people's indifference to this problem, either through rejection climate and other stronger animals.
Factorys, cars and trabsport in general are pollute the air of our planet.
Ответ дал: meguri
1. Yes, I do. I agree.
2. I think due to the fact that people pollute nature of the different waste, and the food which is being eats animals, becomes contaminated, and because of this animals are dying EN masse and die out for ever. 
3. There are exhaust fumes, smoke from factory chimneys and others.

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