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Ответ дал: parljukljuba
1 My parents got married twenty years ago.
2 I left my sleepers here ten minutes ago.
3 We painted the house last year.
4 His father went on a business trip last week.
5 The children ate many sweets at the theater yesterday morning.
6 Helen loved Billy last year.
7 We missed the bus yesterday morning.
8 His grandmother worked in the library five years ago.
9 They ate a pizza for dinner yesterday.
Ответ дал: molibogannaovdyy9
Twenty years ago my parents got married.
I left my sleepers here 10 minutes ago.
We painted the house last year.
 His father went on a business trip last week. 
Yesterday morning at the theater the children ate many sweets. (The children ate many sweets at the theater yesterday morning) Не знаю какой из вариантов более правильный
Helen loved Billy last year.Yesterday morning we missed the bus.
His grandmother worked in the library 5 years ago.
Yesterday they ate  a pizza for dinner.
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