Complete these sentences:
1.People can't live without... .
2.People need to make our planet... .
3.We would like to see our rivers and lakes... .
4.It is dangerous to... .
5.There are a lot of things we can take from nature... .
6.We pollute the environment when we... .
7.People should always remember that... .
8.Let's make our country... .


Ответ дал: temirkhan666
1. water, food, oxygen
2. safer, better, cleaner, more beautiful
3. clean, blue, full of fish
4. start a fire in the forest, not fasten your seatbelt while driving, drive under the influence
5. clean water, food, gas
6. drive our cars, throw trash into the sea, use aerosol sprays
7. we are just guests on this planet and we have to keep it in good repair for the generations to come
8. better, safer, more open
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