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present simple
1.every morning the friends ____(go)jogging in the park.
2look!and in this photo my grandpa ____(repair)my bike.
3.whats the name of this street ? - I ____(not/know)
4.J ____(speak) German and Italian.
5.is ann in her room?- yes.she ____(surf) the inert. she ___(need) some information about lake baikal for her report


Ответ дал: berganton007
1.every morning the friends go jogging in the park.
2look!and in this photo my grandpa repairs my bike.
3.whats the name of this street ? - I don't know
4.I speak German and Italian.
5.is ann in her room?- yes.she surfs the inert. she needs some information about lake baikal for her report
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