Choose the correct words.

Mountain Adventure
l One day last summer my brother and l were walking l in the mountains when the weather suddenly l l) Med/was changing. One minute it was hot i and sunny, the next it 2) rained/was raining very l hard. We were wearing T-shirts and shorts. We l 3) didn’t have/weren't having any warm clothes l with us. We 4) ran/were running down the l mountain to find shelter when my brother y 6) fell/was falling over and hurt his leg. y While we (a) tried/were trying to call for help, we y 7) dropped/were dropping our mobile phone and the screen broke. Luckily, our parents 8) already l came/were already coming to find us. We were very happy to see them!


Ответ дал: aida2801
1 med
2was raining
3 wernt having
6 fell
8already came

darina1672: Ой, не совсем правильно написала. А там где tried/ were trying что правильно?
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