Put the sentences into the Future Simple tense.We are in the first class- We shall be in the first class.
1. He is in the cafeteria
2. They are on the second floor
3.She is your new teacher
4. He is A good student
5. It is on the desk
6. I am in the second class
7. You are in Chicago
8. He is a big boy
9. It is your room
10. We are very busy


Ответ дал: peskotskaya
1He will be in the cafeteria.
2They will be on the second floor.
3She will be your new teacher.
4He will be a good student.
5It will be on the desk.
6I shall be in the second class.
7You will be in Chicago.
8He will be a big boy.
9It will be your room.
10We shall be very busy.

4erve4ok: эй
4erve4ok: ты как
gzhanatugan: Не понела
gzhanatugan: Первый он же ответил мой вопрос
Ответ дал: 4erve4ok
he will be in the cafeteria
they will be on the second floor
she will be your new teacher
he will be a good student
it will bevon he desk
i shall be in the second class
you will be in Chicago
he will be a big boy
it will be your room
we shall be very busy

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