2. Write sentences using used to.
1) "ten years ago"
he was overweight.
he had long hair.
he didn't wear glasses.
he rode a bicycle.
he didn't wear suits.
he is thin.
he has got short hair.
he wears glasses.
he drives a car.
he wears suits .
Пожалуйста, срочно!!!


Ответ дал: Nuni11
ten years ago
I used to be overwieght ten years ago
I used to have a long hair ten years ago
I didn't use to wear glasses ten years ago
I used to ride a bicycle ten years ago
I didn't use to wear suits ten years ago
I am used to be thin now
I am used to have short hair now
I am used to wear glasses now
I am used to drive cars now
I am used to wear suits now
думаю все правильно , но все таки стоит проверить )

kateqw22er: спасибо,большое
Nuni11: нез, Я очень рад что смогла помочь тебе )
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