Помогите пожалуйста,составить 4 типа вопросов по английскому



Ответ дал: Nastyмняша
1.John and Mike are discussing the terms of a contract, aren't they?
2.Who are discussing the terms of a contract?
3.Are John and Mike discussing the terms of a contract?
4.What are John and Mike doing?
5.Are John and Mike discussing the terms of a contract or of a book?
Ответ дал: Маринка5111
Are John and Mike discussing the terms of a co...?- общий
Are John or Maxim and Mike discussing the terms of a co...?- альтернативный
Who is discussing the terms of a co..?- специальный
John and Mike are discussing the terms of a co...?-разделительный
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