Find the mistake, cross it out and correct it.
1. Is you cold?
2. My shoes am so dirty
3. Jane and Mike is brother and sister
4. She is a boy
5. The is excellent pupils
6. Jane an I am cousin
7. They is an orange
8. Lemon and orange is fruit
9. You teacher and my teacher be good friends
10. My parent’s restaurant are very popular


Ответ дал: razdolbaysonich
1 - are
2. am - are
3. is - are
4. she - he или boy - girl
5. The is - they are
6. Jane is my cousin
7. They - this
8. Is - are
9. you - your, be - are
10. are - is
Ответ дал: тайш
1. ARE you cold?
2. My shoes ARE so dirty.
3. Jane and Mike ARE sister and brother.
4. She ISN'T a boy.
5. THERE ARE excellent pupils.
6. Jane AND I ARE cousinS.
7. IT is an orange.
8. Lemon and orange ARE fruit.
9. YOUR teacher and my teacher ARE good friend.
10. My parent's restaurant IS very popular.
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