Policeman: What (you/ do) here?
Josh: Nothing. Why?
Policeman: We ask the questions here.
Josh: (we/ wait) for someone.
Policeman: Where (you/live)?
Josh: 151 Churchill Road.
Policeman: What are your names?
Josh: I'm Josh and he's my brother, Wayne. (we/ not do) anything illegal, are we?
Policeman: (you/carry) any form of identification?
Josh: Yes. (I/ have) my driving licence. (you/want) to see it? Here!
Policeman: (it/ say) Dean Allen on this licence.
Josh: Does it? Oh yes, it's my dad's.


Ответ дал: McViti
Policeman: What ARE YOU DOING here?
Josh: Nothing. Why?
Policeman: We ask the questions here.
Josh: WE ARE WAITING for someone.
Policeman: Where DO YOU LIVE?
Josh: 151 Churchill Road.
Policeman: What are your names?
Josh: I'm Josh and he's my brother, Wayne. WE ARE NOT DOING anything illegal, are we?
Policeman: ARE YOU CARRYING any form of identification?
Josh: Yes. I HAVE my driving licence. DO YOU WANT to see it? Here!
Policeman: IT SAYS Dean Allen on this licence.
Josh: Does it? Oh yes, it's my dad's.
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