Напишите небольшое сочинение на английском языке на тему :Как помочь бедным людям в России?


Ответ дал: asama19831983


Very often we see calls for help. On the Internet, on TV, in the newspapers. We are asked to help sick children, victims of natural disasters, fires, disabled people, homeless animals and many, many others. And that's great. People who find themselves in a difficult life situation can hope for at least some help. Kindness and charity have not yet become an empty word for us.

However, it is worth understanding that not everyone who asks us for help needs it. There are a huge number of scammers in the world, crooks who want to get rich at the expense of good people. They, by their actions, spoil the reputation of real aid funds. And a person, once sending a certain amount to such a fraudster, will think about it the next time-and do they want to deceive him in an impudent way? These unscrupulous people, hiding behind slogans, not only take money from those who need it, but also take away the trust of society in each other.

Of course, helping people is not just about money. Each of us

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