Помогите пожалуйста! Даю 22 балла!!
N6 Complete the sentences in your way.

1) Everybody likes stories that ...
2) I have a friend who ...
3) Your home is a place where ...
4) Best of all I like weekends when ...
5) English is the language which...
6) It is not easy to say why ...
7) Do you know how ...?


Ответ дал: alexandra2132
1) Everybody likes stories that have a good ending
2) I have a friend who lives in the USA.
3) Your home is a place where you can relax.
4) Best of all I like weekends when I meet up my best friends.
5) English is the language which is used all over the world.
6) It is not easy to say why it happened.
7) Do you know how to do this exercise?

Bebe0tebe: Спасибо большое!
alexandra2132: you're welcome
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