2 задание ,2(b),3. Помогите пожалуйста



Ответ дал: parljukljuba
2 a
-s: swims, plays, lives, likes, says , laughs, walks
- es: washes, does, misses, bites
- ies: carries, cries

She swims in the pool once a week .
He often plays the guitar .
He lives in Madrid.
She does yoga three times a week.
She seldom says "good bye".
He often walks in the park .
She washes her car every week.
He often misses the bus .
She often bites bees.
She seldom laughs.

1 runs
2 live
3 give
4 weights
5 sleep
6 has
7 taste
8 moves
9 eats/eat
10 keep
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