Закончит предложение.
We were talking about Francis
when ____________.
He was playing the guitar when____________ .
She was watching a film when _________.
I was riding my bike when__________.
They were eatin
g dinner when___________.
We were painting the door when___________.
You were driving him home when _____________.
He was feeding the dogs when____________.
Was she reading these lines when_______________?
Were they carrying bags when_____________?

The doctor was examining the patient when___________.
We were sleeping when ________.
She was watering the flowers when _________.
They were exploring the island when suddenly __________.
She was suffering of a bad headache when ___________.
He was breathing deeply, while the doctor______________.
The girls were picking the flowers while the boys___________.
The cat was climbing the tree while the dog___________.
We were smelling the honeysuckle while___________.
The workers were building the house while _____________.


Ответ дал: lizavakina
1. Looking the pictures
2. Taking it
3. Relaxing
4. Have free time
5. Come in school
7. Free time

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