Рассказ про волка 40-50 слов.
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Ответ дал: Томика23
Wolf – forest resident, large animal, similar in appearance to the dog. The muzzle of the wolf is wider than in the dog, the forehead convex, and the tail is usually omitted.

Depending on the geographical latitude, in which dwells a wolf coat color of the animal varies. Gray "the Highwayman" lives in the forest, the tundra has a nearly white color, and the steppe – reddish color.
In the winter, wolves gather to pack. The leader of the pack – the unquestioned authority, he is the most experienced wolf. That he derives "his" hunting. Under cover of night, quietly sneaking up on the wolves to the village. If it comes across a herd of sheep is going to kill everyone. In the forest the prey of wolf – elk, deer, wild boars, deer. Can all and sweep away all in its path to eat a rabbit, a bird, a bird's egg. It is believed that in the forest, cunning and smart beast – Fox and the wolf. But, actually, wolf is also very smart – always deftly away from danger, skilled in the hunt.

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Ответ дал: Хатсуна
  The Wolf
 The wolf is very strong animal. He can deelop a great speed. They are beautiful hunters. 
 Wolves have exellent sens of smell and hearing.
The color of wolves often corresponds to the places in which they live. For example, desert wolves have a color with a red tint, in the tundra - white, and in forest ranges from light gray, gray-brown to black. 
                                                           Волк Волк - очень сильное животное. Он может развить большую скорость.
 Они прекрасные охотники.
 Волки обладают отличным обонянием и слухом. Цвет волков часто соответствует местам,в которых они живут.Например,в пустыне волки имеют цвет с красным оттенком,в тундре - белый,а в лесных диапазонах от светло - серого,,серо-коричневого до черного..
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