Complete the sentences with the words in the box.
Can;can't; could;couldn't;couldn't.
1)Beethoven coulnd't hear when he composed his 9th symphony,but he__ imagine the music.
2)Agatha Christie __ spell very well,but she wroteeighty detective books.
3)The actor Ben Affleck livednin Mexico when he was a teenages.Now he __ speak English and Spanish.
4)Franklin D.Roosevelt had polio and __ walk,but he became President of the USA.
5)Beyoncé sings some of her songs in Spanish,but she __ speak the language.
Пожалуйста помогите мне надо очень срочно!!


Ответ дал: Сан81
1. could
2. couldn't
3. can
4. couldn't
5. can't

Rizabekov777: Спасибо огромное ты меня выручила
Сан81: английский-моя стихия, ахпх)
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