Помогите пожалуйста!!
Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense forms. (Поставте дієслова у дужках у правильні відмінні форми.)
1.We( not be able)... to gain this power until the correct technology ( be changed)...
2. We (tell)... nim when he ( return)... home from work.
3. I (not pay)... you until l (get)... the pay cheque.
4. I (not talk)... witn him unti he ( apologise)... to me.
5. When the phone (ring)..., somebody ( pick)... it up.
Till the streets (be)... full of cats, l (stay)... here


Ответ дал: slyuda1955

1 won't be able,is changed

2 will tell, returns

3 won't pay,get

4 won't talk, apologizes

5 rings,will pick

6 are,will stay

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