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1. Modern optical devices give our scientists an opportunity to look into the mystery of the
2. The researchers conducted their experiments in the tropics.
3. Scientists will be able to predict what effects deforestation will have on the climate and air
4. The use of the laser in biological and medical applications is rapidly expanding.
5. Tomorrow we’ll be discussing the alternatives to natural protein.


Ответ дал: nunny
1. Modern optical devices give (pres simp - to give) our scientists an opportunity to look into the mystery of the microstructure.
2. The researchers conducted (past simp -  to conduct) their experiments in the tropics.
3. Scientists will be (fut simp - to be) able to predict what effects deforestation will have (fut simp - to have) on the climate and air quality.
4. The use of the laser in biological and medical applications is rapidly expanding (pres cont  - to expand).
5. Tomorrow we’ll be discussing (fut cont  - to discuss) the alternatives to natural protein.

1. Современные оптические устройства дают нашим ученым возможность заглянуть в тайну микроструктуры.
2. Исследователи провели эксперименты в тропиках.
3. Ученые смогут предсказать, какое влияние окажет обезлесение на климат и состав воздуха.
4. Сфера использования лазера в биологических и медицинских приложениях быстро расширяется.
5. Завтра мы обсудим альтернативы натуральному белку.

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