Заполните пропуски (1-10):

1)      The parade … at 11 a.m tomorrow.

A)     Start

B)      Is starting

C)      Was starting

2)      Meredih … sad and disappointed. She … for her favourite earrings now.

A)     Is looking; Is looking

B)      Looks; looks

C)      Looks; is looking

D)     Is looking; looks

3)      I … to the cinema since November.

A)     Was not

B)      Hadn`t been

C)      Haven`t being

D)     Haven`t been

4)      A ceremony in which two people get married is called “…”

A)     Wedding

B)      Birthday party

C)      Graduation party

D)     Funeral

5)      I need to know the breaking news. Could you turn the radio … (=increase the volume).

A)     Off

B)      On

C)      Up

D)     Down

6)      The only reason … helping him is my of responsibility.

A)     To

B)      On

C)      At

D)     For

7)      A machine that washes plates, cups, spoons. Forks, knives ets. Is called …

A)     dishwasher

B)      a vacuum cleaner

C)      a washing machine

D)     a cooker

8)      Martin has been preparing for his English exam all day long. Now he has stopped … some rest.

A)     to have

B)      having

C)      have

D)     to having

9)      If I … this rule, the task … so difficult for me now.

A)     Knew; will not be

B)      Would know; were not

C)      Would know; was not

D)     Knew; would not be

10)   I want … a computer programmer/

A)     become

B)      to become

C)      becoming

D)     to becoming.


11)   Выберите правильный вариант преобразования прямой речи в косвенную:

She said, “I bought a beautiful mansion last month”

A)     She Said I bought a beautiful mansion  last month

B)      She Said she bought a beautiful mansion  last month

C)      She said she was buying a beautiful mansion a month before.

D)     She said she had bought a beautiful mansion a month before.

Заполните пропуски (12-13)

12)   I saw Brian yesterday but I didn`t talk to him. He was … a hurry.

A)     At

B)      In

C)      On

D)     For

13)   Ladybirds and butterflies are ….

A)     Mammals

B)      Reptiles

C)      Insects

D)     Fish

14)   Выберите правильный вариант преобразования из прямой речи в косвенную:

He asked, “What do you know about the Tower of London?”

A)     He asked me what do you know about the Tower of London.

B)      He asked me what did you know about the Tower of London.

C)      He asked me what did I know about the Tower of London.

D)     He asked me what I knew about the Tower of London.

Заполните пропуск:

15)   I … the article about the Solar system by 10 a.m. tomorrow.

A)     Will be read

B)      Will reading

C)      Will have read

D)     Had read







Ответ дал: Yara007

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