Пожалуйста заделайте ))) 2и 3 задание МОЛЮ))



Ответ дал: parljukljuba
1 Excuse me, do you know where the post office is?
2 I want to eat a sandwich.
3 Will you go to travel abroad next year?
4 Where's Bob? He is listening to music in his room.
5 How often do you go for a walk in the park?
6 My father reads magazines very often.
7 What time does your mother finish her job in the evening?
8 She goes to the gym twice a week.
9 Liza usually drives to work.
10 They are doing their homework in the room.

1 He usually goes to school by bus.
2 Yesterday morning I was getting up at 6.30.
3 What is Peter doing now?
4 Please don't make so much noise. I am studying.
5 Have you heard anything from Tom since Christmas?
6 Did you go out last night?
7 New York is one of the largest cities in the world.
8 It is raining now.
9 John has never won a prize at a race.
10 We did a lot last Sunday.
11 I haven't found my ring yet.
12 They will build this house next summer.

angelina507: Большое спасибо))
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