Помогите срочно ,умоляю!!!


Russland2000: 5 или 6?
Sofi13122004: 5.
Russland2000: напиши, пожалуйста, слова, которые не вошли в кадр
Russland2000: ало
Russland2000: *лл
Sofi13122004: Извини
Sofi13122004: Relaxed tried loved closed
Russland2000: спс
Sofi13122004: Ты поможешь?
Sofi13122004: Спасибооо


Ответ дал: Russland2000
5. invited - to invite
studied - to study
started - to start
lived - to live
remembered - to remember
agreed - to agree
dropped - to drop
relaxed - to relax
tried - to try
stayed - to stay
danced - to dance
liked - to like
cried - to cry
invented - to invent
wanted - to want
decorated - to decorate
loved - to love
closed - to close
happened - to happen
helped - to help
checked - to check
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