Пожалуйста помогите мне английский язык 5 6 класс



Ответ дал: gdl2001
A Crow once sat in a tree. She had a large piece of cheese in her mouth. She wanted to eat it, but suddenly she saw a Fox. The Fox came up to the tree. He looked up and saw the Crow. He saw the cheese also. The Fox wanted to get the cheese.«How beautiful you are Mrs Crow! What big eyes you have. What a pity you cannot sing».The Crow opened her mouth and said: «Of course l can sing. Car-r! Car-r!»Wren the Crow opened her mouth the piece of cheese fell out. The Fox ran up to the cheese and quickly ate it up. «Thank you very much», said he.The cheese was good and you sang well. «What a pity you don’t think well».
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